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12-2-2012 Nutley Open, Nutley High School


​The BBYC Wrestling program opened up it's 2013 tournament season by invading Nutley High School for the 2012 "Nutley Open".  We had 5 wrestlers participate in the tournament and all 5 placed, making BBYC proud in the process!


Overall, each wrestler came with a goal. Some were met and lessons were learned during the day. The coaching staff are very proud of all efforts given today. With the long season ahead; Bars will be set and goals will be reach so long as the hard work and efforts are always put forward. ​​​


   1st place​

Jake Luciani​

Shane Connolly​


   2nd place​

Brandon Wyble​


   3rd place​

Wade Kenney​


   4th place​

Benjamin Bariso​



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