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12-16-2012 Warwick Holiday Tournament - Team 2nd Place Honors


​​The day was long and the Gym was stuffy ( as it always is ).... Yet; That did not stop the BBYC Dawgs from marking its territory!! 300 plus Junior wrestlers came from New Jersey, New York, Pennsilvania and Connecticut to the 2012 Warwick Holiday Tournament with one common goal.... "TO WIN !!!!" the stake was not just Individual success; But team success as well. Our young wrestlers took to the squared circle as ready as they could be at this point in the season and ended up proving that they were more ready than most. The BBYC Wrestlers competed in a total of of 75 matches today accumulating 46 raised hands. The following were todays tournament place finishers in their respective round robin weight brackets:

   1st place​


Nico Amadio

Jason Chrostoski

Timmy Connolly

Alex Orth

Julian Amadio

Jacob Luciani

Ben Bariso

Shane Connolly





2nd Place TEAM Honors

2nd place


​Jack Duddy

Wade Kenney



3rd place


​Joey Connolly

Logan Sykes

Justin Chrostoski

Cody Neuberger



4rd place


​Garret Koppenal

Robert Voli


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